Geological Surveys and Feasibility Studies
Scoping, Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Studies
Due Diligence Studies
Manage and monitor all exploration drilling
Supervise drilling quality
Operator contracts (drilling & blasting, loading, hauling)
Mine closure plan (review and update after resource review by geology)
Review of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
Acid Mine Drainage
Analysis of existing processing plant
Capacity adjustment requirements, cost calculation and feasibility assessment

Mining Engineering Economic Modelling
Countrywide Master-plan for the Mining Industry
Open cast and underground ore mining
Continuous and conventional equipment application
Mine and infrastructure planning
Industrial to mega-mine operation
Small scale mining and community development
Economics in mining
Project management
Technical and economic evaluation of deposits
Institutional analyses of the mines and minerals sectors
Mining legislation
Environmental impact assessment
Environmental rehabilitation
Cost Control (Cash Management – Liquidity)
Undertake safe work, logging, sample preparations and QA/QC procedures
Interim computerization and digital acquisition of geological information
Review of infrastructure, optimization (power, water, roads, communication, facilities)
Monitoring of environmental issues

Operating and Processing
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Monitoring of entire plant, optimization
Production and ore quality planning, based on the geological model
Water management
Treatment of graphite/carbon
Processing of polymetal ores (oxide, arsenic, etc.)
Monitoring and assuring all safety procedures

MINEX is committed to build long-term stakeholder value through development and responsible mining.
We are providing Planning, Engineering and Geology Services, Mining and Processing Expertise, as well as Advisory and Supervisory throughout the entire Value Chain, we are also supporting investments in the mining sector.
The company was founded 2018 in Vienna, Austria, backed by a team of accomplished professionals with a history of over 40'years and a successful track record in mining worldwide.

Attention to detail is our business philosophy
Performance through innovative engineering and solutions
Protecting the environment is our goal without sacrificing performance in production
From mining to processing, we guarantee efficiency
Tailored solutions guarantee maximum recovery and product quality
Safety is our top priority and integral part of our daily work
KR Johannes Ramler
Chairman of the Advisory Board
Emmanuel Henry
Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board
Dr. Ibrahim Saif
Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board
Dr. Stefan Stoev
CEO & Chairman of the Executive Board
Dr. Vladislav Trashliev
Managing Director, Chief Geologist

For any inquiries, please fill out the following form:
Head Office
Reg. Nr.: FN 497752 p
UID: ATU73656206